National Theatre

Stage Technology

Documents, drawings, photographies and videos describe technical equipment and backstage of the historical building of the National Theatre including stage, lighting, sound and video technology.

Historical building is the main stage of the National Theatre. Theatre was built 1868.

This represents a classic proscenium theatre with a capacity for 996 visitors.

Today’s National Theatre comprises three artistic ensembles – opera, drama and ballet – which alternate in performances in the historic building of the National Theatre, the Estates Theatre and the Kolowrat Theatre. All three artistic ensembles choose their repertoire not only from the wealth of classical references, but in addition to Czech authors also focus on modern international creative work.

A) Primary Informations about the National Theatre Stage

B) Stage Equipment
Data in tables and the accompanying graphical material provide comprehensive information about the possibilities of using individual equipment. It must be noted that the main source of power is the hydraulic aggregate which drives the stage, revolving stage, orchestra pit and curtains. Therefore, it is possible to use only some equipment at the same time.

C) Drawing Documentation of the National Theatre Stage
The layout plan and lengthways section on the scale with demarcated lines, photos, videos.

D) Lighting Technology
Description of the lighting technology system is supplemented by the plan of reflectors arrangement.

E) Audio Technology
Description of the sound system for the stage and auditorium supplemented by the plan of loudspeakers arrangement.

F) Video Studio
Description of the video studio.

G) List of dressing rooms in the National Theatre Historical Building
List of dressing rooms.